Student Support

​1. Introduction

St Rita’s is a Catholi​c community built on Knowledge, Truth and Love where our students come each day to ​Know More, Do More and Be More.

Our practices at St Rita’s have been developed in line with our Vision Statement for Student Support at St Rita’s and Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework.

2. Student Support Staff

At St Rita’s we have many qualified members of our team to support students, parents and teachers in learning and teaching.

Support Teachers, Inclusive Education

Guidance Counsellor​

  • Ms Kate Mason

3. Procedures ​

In line with our Vision for Learning and Teaching and Brisbane Catholic Education Support Guidelines we follow the Concern for a Learner Process. The Student Action Planning Tool is used in collaboration with teachers when planning for a student for whom they have a concern. This is the referral document used by teachers for learning support and guidance services.

4. Student Wellbeing/Protection

Click here....

​5. Australian Curriculum

Student diversity in the Australian Curriculum  - Click here....

6. School Wide Positive Behaviour

The Student Support Team work in close collaboration with the School Wide Positive Behaviour Scheme. Many of the programs and strategies and used within the St Rita’s community are supported by and the Student Support Team. These programs and procedure are often put into place after the Concern for a Learner process is followed. ​

7. Gifted and Talented

In alignment with the Gifted Education Position Statement: Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane, (insert link) we support Francoys Gagne’s (2008) Differentiated Model of Giftedness (DMGT) which states that:

  • Giftedness is the possession and use of outstanding natural abilities to a degree that places an individual at least among the top 10% of age peers in one or more of the following ability domains: intellectual, creative, social, p​erceptual and physical.’
  • ‘Talent is the outstanding mastery of systematically developed abilities called competencies, knowledge and skills in at least one field of human performance which is at least in the top 10% of age peers in that domain.’

We also acknowledge Dr Cathie Harrison’s definition (2003) of the gifted child as being one:

  • ‘who performs or who has the ability to perform at a level significantly beyond his or her chronologically aged peers and whose unique abilities and characteristics require special provisions and social and emotional support from the family, community and educational context.’

At St Rita’s we are committed to ensuring that all students are provided with the opportunity to reach their full potential by offering curriculum modification within the areas of Content, Process, Product and Environmental Modifications. See Extension Opportunities for further information.