Volunteer Training

Parents and carers can play a big part in helping our community by volunteering. You can help start a positive cycle of community-building that outlasts your immediate work. Just by showing up, you make a difference.

Please note that all volunteers must be trained annually, if you completed the training last year it must be completed again this year.

Training is available on the BCE public website at the following link Student Protection and Code of Conduct Training for Volunteers and Other Personnel Volunteers must abide by the Volunteer Code of Conduct

Once you have completed the training, please supply the school office with a copy of your course completion certification for both training modules for our records.

Members on our SPN and School Board must also complete the training each year.

Other community members, eg grandparents or parish members, must have a Volunteer Blue Card before commencing volunteer activities on the school site. Copies of the Blue Card must be supplied to the school office before commencing volunteer work.

We have St Rita’s volunteer statements of responsibility for parents/carers who take on these roles in our community. These will be provided to volunteers following receipt of their Registration Form.

I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers who help out in many areas of school life. Thank you to our volunteers who give their time to support us.